Exothermic Pulsefire UBF

Fire Fire and MORE Fire

One of Brenda's favorite manufactures is Exothermic Technologies of the PulseFire Flamethrower. Back in February, she was able to meet Lewis, the creator himself, and he shared the newest item in their line up ... the PulseFire UBF, also known as, the worlds first commercially available Under-Barrel Flamethrower. Be sure they're coming to a store near you, shipping to Indian Lake Outfitters this fall! 

The Depot (and Indian Lake Outfitters) is open all year long from 10am-6pm, Tuesday thru Saturday in Downtown Lakeview and 10:30am-5:30pm Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and 10:30am-3:30pm on Saturdays in Downtown Kenton, offering local vendor space for makers and hobbiests with items from gifts and antiques to clothing and souvenirs

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